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Qualified doctors available six days a week, view timetable to make an appointment.

Helping Patients From Around the Globe!!

Improving The Quality Of Your Life Through Better Health.

Years of Experience

We offer a wide range of care and support to our patients, from diagnosis to rehabilitation.

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Our goal is to deliver quality of care in a courteous, respectful, and compassionate manner. We hope you will allow us to care for you and to be the first and best choice for healthcare.

We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of diseases. We are committed to being the region’s premier healthcare network providing patient centered care that inspires service excellence.

Providing Care for The Sickest In Community.

Medcity has been present in Europe since 1990, offering innovative solutions, specializing in medical services for treatment of medical infrastructure. With over 100 professionals actively participates in numerous initiatives aimed at creating sustainable change for patients!


Neurology Clinic

Some neurologists receive subspecialty training focusing on a particular area of the fields, these training programs are called fellowships years.
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Cardiology Clinic

All cardiologists study the disorders of the heart, but the study of adult child heart disorders are trained to take care of people heart disease.
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Pathology Clinic

Pathology is the study of disease, it is the bridge between science & medicine. Also it underpins every aspect of patient care, from diagnostic testing.
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Serve the community by improving the quality of life through better health. We put protocols to protect our patients and staff while continuing to provide medically necessary care

Committed To Build A Positive, Safe, Patient Focused Culture.

Today the hospital is recognised as a world renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, our goal is to deliver quality care in a respectful & compassionate manner. We strive to be the first and best choice for healthcare.

Only Qualified

Cutting Edge

High Medical

Meet Our Doctors

Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries.


KINETOTERAPIA PENTRU SPORTIVI, COPII, ADULTI, VARSTNICI, consta in: prevenirea multiplelor traumatisme ce pot aparea in timpul desfasurarii de activitati sportive la nivel profesional sau recreational, prin.
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Sedintele de fizioterapie sunt realizate cu aparatura de ultima generatie ce prezinta programe specifice fiecarei afectiuni. ELECTROTERAPIE: - curenti de joasa si medie frecventa, inclusiv vector.
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Masaj terapeutic

In timp ce masajul terapeutic este deseori relaxant, scopul final al sesiunilor de masaj difera in functie de afectiunea tratata. De exemplu, o persoana care merge.
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