Caring For The Health Of You And Your Family.
We Provide All Aspects Of Medical Practice For Your Whole Family!
Medcity has been present in Europe since 1990, offering innovative solutions, specializing in medical services for treatment of medical infrastructure.
The Best Medical And General Practice Care!
Providing Medical Care For The
Sickest In Our Community.
KINETOTERAPIA PENTRU SPORTIVI, COPII, ADULTI, VARSTNICI, consta in: prevenirea multiplelor traumatisme ce pot aparea in timpul desfasurarii de activitati sportive la nivel profesional sau recreational, prin programe de exercitii, masaj.
- Neurocritical Care
- Neuro Oncology
- Geriatric Neurology
Sedintele de fizioterapie sunt realizate cu aparatura de ultima generatie ce prezinta programe specifice fiecarei afectiuni. ELECTROTERAPIE: - curenti de joasa si medie frecventa, inclusiv vector interferential; - curba I/T,.
- Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Nuclear Cardiology
- Echocardiography
Masaj terapeutic
In timp ce masajul terapeutic este deseori relaxant, scopul final al sesiunilor de masaj difera in functie de afectiunea tratata. De exemplu, o persoana care merge la kinetoterapeut pentru recuperarea.
- Surgical Pathology
- Histopathology
- Cytopathology
Kineto & Masaj in afectiuni respiratorii
Funcţia respiratorie este una din funcţiile vitale, a cărei perturbare poate fi fatală. În patologia respiratorie este foarte important menţinerea unui nivel minim de funcţionare. Prin aplicarea anumitor tehnici, masajul,.
- Newborn Care
- Umbilical Cord Appearance
- Repositioning Techniques
Gimnastica medicala
Beneficiile gimnasticii medicale asupra starii de sanatate sunt cunoscute si dovedite de-a lungul a sute de ani de practica si observatie iar starea de bine generala si ameliorarea durerilor incep.
- Clinical laboratory
- Research Analyst
- Quality Assurance
Kinetoterapia la copii
Kinetoterapia ortopedica se adreseaza sugarului de la cateva zile de viata pana la varsta de 18 ani. Echipa noastra de profesionisti cu o experienta de 7 ani in tratarea si.
- Macular degeneration
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Excessive tearing
Medcity Has Touched The Lives Of Patients & Providing Care for The Sickest In Our Community.
Medcity has been present in Europe since 1990, offering innovative solutions, specializing in medical services for treatment of medical infrastructure. With over 100 professionals actively participates in numerous initiatives aimed at creating sustainable change for patients!
We hope you will allow us to care for you and strive to be the first and best choice for healthcare
Meet Our Doctors
Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people
skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries.
skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries.
KINETOTERAPIA PENTRU SPORTIVI, COPII, ADULTI, VARSTNICI, consta in: prevenirea multiplelor traumatisme ce pot aparea in timpul desfasurarii de activitati sportive la nivel profesional sau recreational, prin.
Sedintele de fizioterapie sunt realizate cu aparatura de ultima generatie ce prezinta programe specifice fiecarei afectiuni. ELECTROTERAPIE: - curenti de joasa si medie frecventa, inclusiv vector.
Masaj terapeutic
In timp ce masajul terapeutic este deseori relaxant, scopul final al sesiunilor de masaj difera in functie de afectiunea tratata. De exemplu, o persoana care merge.
Helping Patients From Around the Globe!!
Our staff strives to make each interaction with patients clear, concise, and inviting. Support the important work of Medicsh Hospital by making a much-needed donation today.
We provide a comprehensive range of plans for families and individuals at every stage of life, with annual limits ranging from £1.5m to unlimited.
Martin Qube, Medcity Manager
Inspiring Stories!
“Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills”
“Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills”
“Their doctors include highly qualified practitioners who come from a range of backgrounds and bring with them a diversity of skills and special interests. They also have registered nurses on staff who are available to triage any urgent matters, and the administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills”